Ergo Proxy is a cyberpunk anime that aired from 2006 to 2007. It was directed by Shukou Murase and written by Dai Sato. The anime is set in a future world where humans have created artificial intelligence, and this artificial intelligence, or “AutoReivs”, are used to help humans with their everyday lives. There will be no casinos in the future. So if you have a chance to gamble, join the 22Bet Casino. However, there is a virus that affects the AutoReivs, and this causes them to go insane and start killing humans. The story follows Re-l Mayer, an investigator who is trying to find out what is causing the AutoReivs to go insane.
The Story

In the far-off future, mankind has established colonies throughout the solar system in order to escape the pollution and overpopulation of Earth. The colonies are supplied with Autonomous Interplanetary Governmental Organization (A.I.G.O.)-manufactured robots called AutoReivs to serve the colonists. However, a virus infects the AutoReivs, causing them to become sentient and develop emotions and memories. These “Infected” AutoReivs are then known as “Proxies’ ‘. The infected AutoReivs become violent and are hunted down by A.I.G.O. Security forces.
In the domed city of Romdeau, Erica, a young woman who works as a detective in the Security Bureau, is assigned to investigate a case involving the death of a Proxy. She is partnered with Re-l Mayer, a Proxy Hunter. As they investigate, they uncover a conspiracy involving the city’s government and the Proxies.
The story of Ergo Proxy is set in a future where mankind has colonized the solar system and established several domed cities in which to live. The city of Rondeau is one such city, and it is here that the story takes place. The city is supplied with robots called AutoReivs, which are manufactured by the Autonomous Interplanetary Governmental Organization (A.I.G.O.). The AutoReivs serve the colonists in various ways, such as performing manual labor or acting as companions. However, a virus infects the AutoReivs, causing them to become sentient and develop emotions and memories. These “Infected” AutoReivs are then known as “Proxies’ ‘. The infected AutoReivs become violent and are hunted down by A.I.G.O. Security forces.
In the midst of all this, Erica, a young woman who works as a detective in the Security Bureau, is assigned to investigate a case involving the death of a Proxy. She is partnered with Re-l Mayer, a Proxy Hunter. As they investigate, they uncover a conspiracy involving the city’s government and the Proxies.
The story of Ergo Proxy is intriguing and thought-provoking, and it is definitely worth watching. The animation and art are top-notch, and the music is also quite good. If you’re looking for a thought-provoking and different kind of anime, then I would highly recommend Ergo Proxy.